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president of India will come to Odisha on 17 march

president of India will come to Odisha  president of India will come to Odisha on 17 march In 17 march the president of India will come to Odisha to inagurate the Bijupatnayak.Bijupatnyak was the old CM of the Odisha and he is good persion who helps all the poor peoples so all the peoples of the Odisha state of India country like bijupatnayak  very much.         THe president of India mr.Ram Nath Kovind will come to the Odisha and also has the program to inagurate the museum which is specially based for Bijupatnayk dealy use things.And all the other things.      And they also inagurate the library which is named by the Bijupatayak.This is very iontersesting that the president of India will come to the Odisha on 17 march 2018.The security system for the president of India will very tight ant other departments are ready for all other purpose. Fore more details clcik here     

why aircel internet not working||aircel news||aircel recent problem

Aircel internet not working      Recently The Aircel sim was not working and lot of people facing huge amount of problems.Their are many user of aircel network but  fiew days ago people was facing big network problem on the aircel sim.Aircel is a very strong network company due to some sever problem the aircel sim unable to provide you the good network.Some people was saying that the aircel sim has been stoped now but the news is exactlly not that. why aircel internet not working||aircel news||aircel recent problem       Aircel company facing lack problem due to the slow sever they are now unable to provider their network to the people.Some peoples are trying to portable their sim because due the problem of the aircel network people are unable to call anyone unable to work with the internet.Other networks  are now trying to bit the aircel network because lack aircel user now want to communicate with other network due to their problems.    This is also a bad news for a